Friday, October 30, 2015

MSD (mercredi sans déchets)

Dear parents,


Over the past couple of weeks in science, students have been learning about the waste in our world. A large part of this unit is on the effects of garbage on our environment. For this reason, we are starting a wasteless lunch program in both grade 4 classes called MSD (mercredi sans déchets/ Wednesdays without Waste), beginning on November 4th and ending on December 2nd. We are encouraging the children to bring lunches that include very little to no waste (i.e., tupperware containers, reusable drink bottles etc.). Throughout the next month students will be tracking all the waste they produce and at the end of the month we will summarize the results. Our goal is to make students aware of just how much garbage can accumulate in a short period of time. If you could help ensure your child brings a wasteless lunch on Wednesdays for the month of November, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support!

Nov. 3- 6

Math: We will be finishing up our unit on subtraction this week. There will be an evaluation on Friday on subtraction as well as estimating differences.

Science: Students will be working on a research project on a specific decomposer of their choice. They will be creating "wanted" posters on Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Google Docs and will give a 2-4 minute presentation (due date to-be-determined) on their decomposer.
**Please see next blog post regarding our wasteless lunch program on Wednesdays, starting on November 4th.

English: Students will be doing a cross-curricular project in English and Religion. This is a research project on one of the saints (their choice).

French: We will be looking at how to describe something unfamiliar to someone else. Students will write up a short descriptive text explaining to an alien how our school works. They will include an introduction, body and conclusion. Students will learn how to properly organize their thoughts and what the 3 components of their text (intro, body and conclusion) should look like.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Oct. 26- 30

Hello! Here is what we will be covering next week:

Science: Students will continue to learn about waste & our world. They will have a test on Friday and will get the study sheet on Monday. A good topic of conversation at home that would support students' learning is regarding what should be recycled, put in the compost or the garbage.

French: This week students will be learning French adjectives and how there are different forms of spelling depending on masculine/ feminine words as well as singular/ plural (ex: beau, beaux, belle, belles). There will be a dictée this Friday and students will get the study sheet on Monday.

Math: We will be looking at estimating differences (estimating subtraction) as well as moving on to subtraction of 3-digit numbers.

English: We will be finishing our work on similes, character portraits and start to learn about onomatopoeias and alliterations.

Please note that as students will be writing their CCAT exam on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the morning, this will affect the usual daily schedule of what subjects are taught during each block. There is nothing to worry about though!

Have a great weekend :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

This Friday's Dictée

Hi parents!

Just to let you know that there is no study sheet this time for the dictée on Friday as students will be practicing looking up words in the dictionary for alphabetical order, masculine and feminine words, as well as the meaning of words :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Oct. 19-23

Math: This week students will continue addition with 3 digits (ex: 127+ 253) and then move to addition with 4 digits (ex: 4589+ 2601). We will also be looking at estimating differences between numbers.

English: This week we will be looking at similes as well as reading a selection of stories and creating character portraits.

French: We will be continuing our work on "les noms communs" and learn how to put words in alphabetical order (working with a dictionary).

Science: We are continuing our unit on "les déchets et notre environnement" (waste & our world). Students will be going outside for a couple of lessons in our outdoor classroom so be sure to dress for the weather!

Friday, October 9, 2015

This Week

Math: Evaluations on Wednesday on Venn and Carroll diagrams as well as "la forme symbolique" (ex: 1337), "la forme décomposée" (ex: 1000 + 300 + 30 + 7) and writing numbers with words (ex: mille trois cent trente-sept). We will also be starting addition using three digits.

French: For the next two weeks, we will be looking at "les noms communs" and "les déterminants" (ex: ma famille, un crayon). There will be a dictée on Friday and students will receive the review sheet on Tuesday.

Social Studies: We have just completed our first unit in Social Studies where we introduced Alberta and where it is in Canada in relation to other provinces and territories. This week we are starting Science.

Science: We will be starting our unit on "les déchets"

English: We will be continuing to review homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, adjectives, contractions as well as prefixes and suffixes. In addition, students will be reading a selection of stories accompanied by various activities.