Sunday, November 29, 2020

Grade 5: Nov. 30- Dec. 4


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will review the ‘imparfait’ of verbs ending in ER, IR and RE. There will be an evaluation on Friday. In addition, they will be learning about making inferences while reading. A reminder that students’ book reports (one French, one English) and reading logs are due on Monday.

Math: We will continue with our unit on multiplication and division. We will soon learn how to do long multiplication.

English: Students will begin our narrative writing unit. They will learn about the components of plot: introduction, setting, initial incident and denouement.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora: Students will be learning about Advent. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Grade 4: Nov. 30- Dec. 4


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will be working on a written assignment where they pretend that the objects in the classroom have come alive.  A reminder that students’ reading programs and book reports (one French, one English) are due on Monday.

Math: We will continue with our unit on subtraction and estimating differences. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

English: Students’ saint projects are due on Monday. We will be presenting throughout the week.

Science: Students will begin presentations of part 2 of their project on Monday.

Social Studies: We will start presenting the wild animals of Alberta projects on Monday.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora:  Students will be learning about Advent. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Grade 5: Nov. 23- 27


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will complete their personal letter. This is due on Wednesday. We will also be completing some reading comprehension activities.

Math: We will continue with our unit on multiplication and division. Students should know their basic multiplication facts up to 10 X 10. There will be a multiplication quiz on Wednesday.

English: Students will complete some reading comprehension activities as well as learn spelling rules for plural words, adding suffixes etc. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora: Students will begin working on an Advent project. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Grade 4: Nov. 23- 27



Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will review the verbs AVOIR, ÊTRE, AIMER, FINIR and ALLER in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on the verb ALLER on Tuesday and an evaluation on all of the verbs on Friday.  A reminder that students’ reading programs are due on Monday. In addition, their book reports are due on November 30th.

Math: We will start our unit on subtraction and estimating differences.

English: Students will work on their saints project and complete some reading comprehension questions.

Science: Students will continue to work on part 2 of their environmental organization project. This will be due on November 30th.

Social Studies: Students will complete their research project on a wild animal of Alberta. This project is due on Friday.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora:  Students will continue working on their saint project. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Grade 5: Nov. 18- 20


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn about 'les marqueurs de relation' and will work on writing a personal letter.

Math: We will continue with our unit on multiplication and division. Students should know their basic multiplication facts up to 9 X 9.

English: Students will complete their short story where they demonstrate proper use of paragraphing, capitalization and punctuation (including quotation marks). This story is due on Friday.

ReligionMessage from Mme Lora: Students will begin working on an Advent project. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Grade 4: Nov. 18- 20



Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn about the verb ALLER in the present tense. A reminder that students’ reading programs are due on Wednesday.

Math: We will complete our unit on addition. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

English: Students will present their name projects and work on their saints project.

Science: Students will start part 2 of their environmental organization project. In this part of the project, they invent their own environmental organization in groups of up to 4 students.

Social Studies: Students will complete their research project on a wild animal of Alberta.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora:  Students will begin working on their saint project. In addition, they should be continuing to write in their daily gratitude journal.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Book Fair

Dear Parents,

This year's book fair is online! Please click the following link to view the books that will be available for purchase from November 16th to November 29th.

Happy reading!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Grade 5: Nov. 9- 13


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: We will be reviewing the verbs AVOIR and ÊTRE in the imparfait. There will be an evaluation on Friday

Math: We will finish our unit on patterns. There will be an evaluation on Thursday. Then we will move on to multiplication and division.

English: Students will continue with our unit on paragraphing.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora: Students have been given a gratitude journal and a 30-day challenge. I’ve asked them to take the time either before bed or first thing in the morning, to jot down things they are grateful for. My hope is that this experience will not only help them realize how blessed they are, but that they will want to continue doing this. I am confident it will be a positive experience.

Grade 4: Nov. 9- 13


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn about verbs ending in IR in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on FridayA reminder that students’ reading programs are due on Monday. If they forgot their yellow tracking sheet at school, students can always use a lined piece of paper and have a parent sign off on their reading minutes.

Math: We will be continuing with our unit on addition. Then we will move on to estimating differences (subtraction).

English: Students will complete their name project as well as some reading comprehension.

Science: There will be an evaluation on Tuesday. Students received a study guide last week. In addition, students will complete their research project on an environmental organization.

Social Studies: Students will work on their research project on a wild animal of Alberta.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora:  Students have been given a gratitude journal and a 30-day challenge. I’ve asked them to take the time either before bed or first thing in the morning, to jot down things they are grateful for. My hope is that this experience will not only help them realize how blessed they are, but that they will want to continue doing this. I am confident it will be a positive experience.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Grade 5: Nov. 2- 6



Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: We will be reviewing the verbs that are conjugated with AVOIR or ÊTRE in the ‘passé composé’. There will be an evaluation on Friday. A reminder that book reports and reading logs from October are due on Monday.

Math: We will continue with our unit on patterns.

English: Students will continue to learn about descriptive language and adding detail. Then we will look at paragraphing.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora: This week we will focus on Saints. What is a Saint? How do you become one?  Our discussions will lead to a Saint project.

Grade 4: Nov. 2- 6



Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn about verbs ending in ER in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on Friday. In addition, the good copy of their writing project is due on Monday. In addition, we will be learning about adjectives. 
A reminder that students’ book reports and reading programs are due on Monday. If they forgot their yellow tracking sheet at school, students can always use a lined piece of paper and have a parent sign off on their reading minutes.

Math: We will be reviewing estimating sums. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Then we will move on to addition.

English: Students will learn about different types of sentences: simple, compound and complex. Then we will move on to a project about the meaning behind their name.

Science: We will start a new project where students research an environmental organization. Students should also be reviewing their notes in preparation for the evaluation next week.

Social Studies: There will be an evaluation on Tuesday about the different theories of the creation of Earth and the scientists who study the past. Then we will learn about wild animals in Alberta.

Religion: Message from Mme Lora:  This week we will focus on Saints. What is a Saint? How do you become one?  Our discussions will lead to a Saint project.