Friday, January 29, 2016

February 1-5

Here's the plan for next week:

French: There is a test on Monday on the "passé composé" of ER, IR and RE verbs. For the rest of the week, students will be studying other verbs that use "être" in the  "passé composé". There will be a test on Friday on this. In addition, we will be starting a physical activity journal for the month of February. This is a French and Health project. Last, students will be required to complete one reading project and one book report on their individual novel study in French. This is due at the end of the month, but can be submitted at any point.

Math: Students will finish multiplication and we will also cover division next week. There will be a test on Friday on multiplication and division.

Science: We are starting our lights and shadows unit this week.

English: Students will be completing a variety of reading and writing activities.