Friday, April 29, 2016

May 2- 6

Here's the plan for next week:

French: Students will learn the 'imparfait' verb tense on IR verbs. There will be an evaluation  on Friday.

Science: We are continuing our unit on wheels and levers.

Math: Students will continue to learn about decimal numbers.
English: We will be finishing our unit on root words and continue with various reading and writing selections about technology.

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 26- 29

Here's the plan for next week:

French: Students will learn the 'imparfait' verb tense on ER verbs. There will be an evaluation  on Friday. They will also present their music projects on Tuesday.

Science: We are starting our unit on wheels and levers.

Math: Students will learn about decimal numbers.

English: We will be working on run-on sentences, fragments, compound sentences and root words.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Heritage Park

We are going to Heritage Park on Wednesday April 20th 2016.

Volunteers make sure to bring a lunch! We are asking our parent volunteers not to purchase any food for themselves or their children while out at Heritage Park.

Students are to dress according to the weather and bring a lunch. We will be inside and outside tomorrow so students may want to wear sunscreen.

Here is the itinerary for tomorrow:

8:40 am: Students and parent volunteers are in the classroom for attendance and announcements.

9:00 am: Both grade 4 classes, teachers and parent volunteers are on the bus and ready for departure.

9:30 am- 2:00 pm: Visiting Heritage Park and attending Across the Sea of Grass and Auto Motion tours as a class. We will eat lunch between these programs.

2:00 pm: Both grade 4 classes, teachers and parent volunteers are on the bus and ready to head back to St. Luke School.

2:30 pm: Arrive back at St. Luke School.

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 18- 22

Here's the plan for next week:

French: Students will learn the 'imparfait' verb tense on 'être'. There will be a dictée on Friday. They will also be working on their music and health projects which are both in French.

Math: We are continuing with our unit on fractions. There will be a test on Friday.

English/ Social Studies: Students will present their agriculture report, which is due on Monday. We will also complete various grammar exercises, for example run-on sentences and capitalization. In addition, students are going on a field trip to Heritage Park on Wednesday.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Gala d'art oratoire


We will be preparing students for the Gala d’art oratoire which is a showcase and a celebration of student achievement in French public speaking. The Gala is not a competition. The only “competition” part of the process is the school’s selection process to determine which presentation at various grade levels will represent the school. One student per grade level will participate in the Gala.

Students will be given a text to memorize and will present to the class (maximum 3 minutes in length).

After presenting to the class, some students will be selected to present in front of the school. The school district has prepared a rubric to facilitate the selection of these students.

One student from grade 4 will be chosen to represent the school at the Gala d’art oratoire 2016 to be held on Saturday, May 28 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. (division 2) at Bishop Grandin Theatre. The students will give their presentations on the stage before the audience.   All of the Gala participants are presented with certificates at the end of the day.

In order to begin preparing for this activity, your child will be given a text on Monday, April 11th. Students will present in class on Friday April 15th.

At home, your child should memorize the text and practice presenting it with expression.
This is a mandatory assignment and will be evaluated.

April 11- 15

Here's the plan for next week:

French: Our school is participating in a "gala d'art oratoire". Students will be responsible for preparing a text that they will recite (by memory) and use gestures to accompany it. Everyone must present on Friday. Stay tuned for more information!
In addition, students are working on a music project and a health project that are both in French.

Math: We are continuing with our unit on fractions. Students are invited to bring in LEGO to help with learning fractions.

English/ Social Studies: Students will be working on an agriculture report based on ONE topic that interested them from Aggie Days. I have made it clear to the students that one animal equals one topic, not the whole farm!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Aggie Days Information

We are going to Aggie Days at the Stampede Grounds on this Thursday April 7th 2016.

Volunteers make sure to bring a lunch! Please make sure you have followed the orientation session with Mme Martine earlier in the year.

Healthy Hunger lunches will have to be canceled.

Students are to dress according to the weather and bring a lunch. Milk will be provided to all.
Other upcoming fieldtrips:

Heritage Park fieldtrip: On April 20th 2016 information to come!

Swimming: May 25th, May 27th, May 30th, June 1st and June 3rd. We will need a minimum 2 volunteers every day. Dads will be greatly appreciated to supervise in the boys' change room. Please note that swimming will be in the afternoon. Information to come.

Parent Volunteers Needed

 Dear parents,

I am requesting any available parents to come read with the students in French (mornings) or English (afternoons).  Please sign up if you are available at
Thank you very much!
Mme Allyson

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 4- 8

Here's the plan for next week:

French: We are starting the 'imparfait' verb tense and this week students will learn about 'avoir'. There will be a dictée on Friday.

Math: We are starting our unit on fractions.

Social Studies: As students will be attending 'Aggie Days' on April 7th, our focus will be on agriculture.

English: Students will work on a small poetry project and start an agriculture project.