Monday, April 4, 2016
Aggie Days Information
We are going to Aggie Days at the Stampede Grounds on this Thursday April 7th 2016.
Volunteers make sure to bring a lunch! Please make sure you have followed the orientation session with Mme Martine earlier in the year.
Healthy Hunger lunches will have to be canceled.
Students are to dress according to the weather and bring a lunch. Milk will be provided to all.
Other upcoming fieldtrips:
Heritage Park fieldtrip: On April 20th 2016 information to come!
Swimming: May 25th, May 27th, May 30th, June 1st and June 3rd. We will need a minimum 2 volunteers every day. Dads will be greatly appreciated to supervise in the boys' change room. Please note that swimming will be in the afternoon. Information to come.