Monday, September 11, 2017

Sep. 11- 15

Hello! Here is the plan for this week in grade 4:

French: We are learning the verb 'avoir' in the present tense as well as expressions that use this verb. There will be a dictée on Friday. Students have a study sheet to help prepare them. They must learn the spelling of the verb 'avoir' conjugated in the present tense as well as the spelling of the expressions that use the verb 'avoir'.
In addition, students will be evaluated on the 'Our Father' or 'Notre Pere" prayer in French as we say this prayer every morning. Spelling will NOT count on this evaluation.

Math: We are looking at patterns with numbers and shapes. Students who do not know their numbers in French from 0- 100 should also be practicing them at home.

English: We are working on an English and art project called the "I Can" hand and we will be reading various texts.

Science: Students will work on promoting recycling in the school.

*Please note that we alternate between Science and Social Studies units to allow more time to focus on each subject.