Dear Parents,
At this point in time, Mme Elaine and I are planning on sending school work, starting next Monday, through the Google Classroom platform. To facilitate their online learning, there will only be one Google Classroom for all grade 4 students at St. Luke. Currently students are only to accept the invitation to join the classroom. We ask that they DO NOT complete any of the assignments until further notice.
To access their @learn account, please refer to the email with step-by-step instructions for logging on. This email will be sent to parents, not students.
While we wait to begin our learning journey with the Google Classroom, I have compiled a list of projects and assignments that students can work on for this week. Please read below for more detail.
Reading: Students are encouraged to continue reading 20 minutes per day in each language (English and French).
French: Students can complete the good copy of their Spring story on Google Docs and share with me. In addition, they are expected to submit one journal entry per week in French. This is to replicate the "journal personnel" that they were already doing in class. Students can submit their entries via Google Docs.
Math: Students received a copy of the math test in their bin. They can complete this at home. If there is a way to either take pictures or scan each page and email them to my @learn account (students have this email address already), that would be greatly appreciated. In addition, I have placed a project in their bin called "l'horaire de ma journée". The directions are pretty self-explanatory as to what to do.
Social Studies: Students can complete their agriculture project on a Google Doc and send it to me. This is a group project; however, Google allows multiple people to collaborate on the same document at the same time. Any student who was hoping to do a paper poster will have to resort to a digital poster on Google Docs.
Science: For this week, students can read the information on "les engrenages" and complete the activities. A hard copy of this booklet has been placed in their bins.
Religion: Students are asked to continue working on their religion project (already started at school). This is done on Google Slides. They should share their project with Mme Elaine once the project is completed.
We are presently waiting for our school administration's permission to send you more information. Thank you for your patience.