Saturday, September 19, 2020

Grade 4: Sep. 21- 25

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: We are finishing the verb 'avoir' in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. We will also be learning about the verb ‘être’ in the present tense and expressions that use this verb. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Please note that the format of both evaluations is very similar, and it should not be difficult for students to write both in the same week.

Math: We are continuing to learn about patterns with numbers and shapes. Students who do not know their numbers in French from 0- 100 should also be practicing them at home.

English: Students will continue with some creative writing activities as well as reading various texts.

Science: Students will continue to learn about the waste in our world.

Social Studies: Students will be looking at the geography of the prairie provinces as well as the rivers in Alberta.