Sunday, April 30, 2023

Grade 4: May 1- 5

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the reading program is due for Monday.
Students will learn how to conjugate irregular verbs in the ‘imparfait’. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Additionally, they will continue to work on their persuasive writing pieces.

Math: We will finish with our unit on telling time. There will be an evaluation on Thursday. Additionally, students should hand in their project called “L’horaire de ma journée” by Friday.

English: We will finish our poetry unit. Students have been writing spring poems. They will be due on Friday.

Science: We will finish our unit on Simple Machines. There will be an evaluation on Tuesday. Students will then work on a project where they build their own, original complex machine.

Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about Alberta’s history.

Religion: Students will begin unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God. They will also learn about the ten commandments, Mary and mothers.



Grade 3: May 1- 5

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be done log 8 of their French at-home reading program. We will continue our unit on fairy tales.

Math: We will finish our unit on telling time. Students should be practicing reading analog clocks at home, as well as converting to 24-hour clocks. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Then we will learn about measuring perimeter and area.

English: We will learn about fairy tales.

Science: Students will learn about animal life cycles.

Social Studies: We will continue with our unit on Tunisia.

Religion: Students will continue unit 5: The Promise of the Holy Spirit. They will also learn about the ten commandments, Mary and mothers.


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Grade 4: Apr. 24- 28

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the reading program is due for Monday.
Students will learn how to conjugate verbs ending in IR in the ‘imparfait’. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Additionally, they will learn about persuasive writing.

Math: We will continue with our unit on telling time. Students should be practicing reading an analog clock. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday.

English: We will continue with poetry. There will be an evaluation on Tuesday comparing similes and metaphors.

Science: We will continue our unit on Simple Machines.

Social Studies: Students will begin to learn about Alberta’s history.

Religion: Students will begin unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God. They will also learn about the ten commandments.

Grade 3: Apr. 24- 28

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be on log 8 of their French at-home reading program. We will start a new unit on fairy tales.

Math: We will start a new unit on telling time. Students should be practicing reading analog clocks at home.

English: Students will finish their poetry unit. The “Best Part of Me” poems are due on Thursday.

Science: We will complete our unit on structures and construction. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Students received a study guide on Friday. Students’ bridge projects are due on Friday.

Social Studies: We will start a new unit on Tunisia.

Religion: Students will begin unit 5: The Promise of the Holy Spirit. They will also learn about the ten commandments.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Grade 4: Apr. 17- 21

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn how to conjugate verbs ending in ER in the ‘imparfait’. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

Math: We will start a new unit on telling time. Students should be practicing reading an analog clock.

English: We will continue with poetry.

Science: We will continue our unit on Simple Machines.

Social Studies: Students will learn about agriculture in Alberta.

Religion: Students will continue with unit 4: New Life in Jesus. There will be Bible readings about the resurrection by the 4 Evangelists, as well as drawing in their visual journals with the following theme: Jesus has risen!

Grade 3: Apr. 17- 21

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be on log 8 of their French at-home reading program. We will continue with our poetry unit. Students will be writing their own poems.

Math: We will finish with our unit on fractions. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

English: Students will continue with their poetry unit.

Science: We will continue our unit on structures and construction.

Social Studies: We will finish our unit on Ukraine. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Students will also have to complete the comparison chart between Canada and Ukraine by Friday.

Religion: Students will continue with unit 4: Our Lenten Journey. There will be Bible readings about the resurrection by the 4 Evangelists, as well as drawing in their visual journals with the following theme: Jesus has risen!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Grade 4: Apr. 3- 6

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the NEW reading program is due for Monday.
Students will learn how to conjugate the verbs AVOIR and ÊTRE in the ‘imparfait’. There will be a pre-test (not for marks) on Monday, followed by an evaluation on Thursday. Students will need to continue practicing when to use both verbs.

Math: We will finish with our unit on decimal numbers. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. This will cover converting fractions to decimal numbers, as well as addition and subtraction of decimal numbers.

English: We will continue with poetry.

Science: We will continue our unit on Simple Machines.

Social Studies: Students will present their projects on the natural resources of Alberta. Presentations start on Monday.

Religion: Students will have an introduction to unit 4: New Life in Jesus. They are invited to bring palms from Palm Sunday mass to show the class. There will be a recommitment to the Lenten promises and readings about Jesus’ miracles in the Bible. Additionally, our class will continue to prepare for the Holy Thursday liturgy. Parents are welcome to attend the celebration on April 6th at 1:00 pm in the gym.

Grade 3: Apr. 3- 6

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be on log 8 of their French at-home reading program. We will continue with our poetry unit.

Math: We will start a new unit on fractions.

English: Students will continue with their poetry unit.

Science: We will continue our unit on structures and construction.

Social Studies: We will continue with our unit on Ukraine.

Religion: Students will continue with unit 4: Our Lenten Journey. They are invited to bring palms from Palm Sunday mass to show the class. There will be a recommitment to the Lenten promises and readings about Jesus’ miracles in the Bible. Additionally, our class will continue to prepare for the Holy Thursday liturgy. Parents are welcome to attend the celebration on April 6th at 1:00 pm in the gym.