Sunday, April 2, 2023

Grade 3: Apr. 3- 6

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be on log 8 of their French at-home reading program. We will continue with our poetry unit.

Math: We will start a new unit on fractions.

English: Students will continue with their poetry unit.

Science: We will continue our unit on structures and construction.

Social Studies: We will continue with our unit on Ukraine.

Religion: Students will continue with unit 4: Our Lenten Journey. They are invited to bring palms from Palm Sunday mass to show the class. There will be a recommitment to the Lenten promises and readings about Jesus’ miracles in the Bible. Additionally, our class will continue to prepare for the Holy Thursday liturgy. Parents are welcome to attend the celebration on April 6th at 1:00 pm in the gym.