Here is what we will be covering in class next
French: Students will finish writing their opinion letters. They are due
next Monday. In addition, students will be learning about the verbs
AVOIR and ÊTRE in the ‘imparfait’. There will be a pre-test (not for marks) on
Tuesday, followed by an evaluation on Friday.
reminder that students’ reading programs are due on Monday. This is only for
the week of school before the break. Students were not expected to read during
the holidays.
Math: We will start a new unit on fractions. In addition, students’
project on measuring area will be due on Friday.
English: We will start a new unit on poetry.
Science: Students will start a new project where they will invent and build a complex
Social Studies: We will finish learning about the natural resources of Alberta.
Students have been working on a group research project and should be done by
the end of the week.
Religion: Students will finish working on the Religion project.