Sunday, May 16, 2021

Grade 4: May 17- 20


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French:  Students will work on a Health and French assignment where they write about careers that interest them. The verbs must be conjugated in the ‘futur simple’. This is due on Thursday. We will also look at aspects of ‘la bande dessinée’.

Math:  Students will continue to learn about addition and subtraction of decimal numbers.

English: We will continue with our novel study on Belle of Batoche.

Science: We will start a new unit on plant growth and changes.

Social Studies: Students will finish their project about Alberta’s agriculture. They should be ready to present on May 25th.

Religion: Students will continue learning about Mary.

A reminder that students have a special presentation from Randy Chevrier about Fire Safety on Thursday at 9:00 am. I will be sharing the Zoom link with them on my Google Classroom stream.