Here is what we will be covering in class next week:
French: Students will be learning about verbs conjugated in the ‘futur
simple’. There will be an evaluation on Friday. We will also
finish learning about the 6 traits of writing.
Math: There will be an evaluation on module 4 on Thursday.
We will then start our next unit on fractions.
English: Students will learn about adjectives vs. adverbs. In addition, they
will start to present their Black History Month projects.
Social Studies: Students will complete the project on chapters 5, 6 and 7. It is due
next Monday, March 7th.
Religion: Students will start
presenting their Black History Month projects. In addition, they will learn
about Ash Wednesday and Lent.
REMINDER: Students are to bring a helmet, gloves, comfortable/ stretchy clothing, a face mask and a tuque for speed skating on Monday and Friday.