Monday, February 15, 2021

Grade 4: Feb. 16- 19


Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students will learn about the verb ALLER in the ‘passé composé’. There will be an evaluation on Friday.
A reminder that students’ reading programs are due on Tuesday. We have a new reading program where students are expected to read 50 minutes in English AND 50 minutes in French per week.

Math:  We will finish our unit on multiplication and division. There will be an evaluation on Wednesday. Then we will begin our unit on telling time.

English: We will learn about root words. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

Science: Students will continue working on a project related to lights and shadows.

Social Studies: We will continue with our project on the different geographic elements in all 5 of the other regions of Alberta.

Religion: Students will prepare for the Ash Wednesday celebration and begin a research project related to Black History Month.

A reminder that students are asked to bring a Ziploc bag to school on Tuesday so that they can bring home their Valentine's Day cards.