Sunday, September 10, 2023

Grade 4: Sep. 11- 15

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:


French: Students will begin their French reading program at home. Letters will be sent on Monday explaining in further detail. 
In addition, students are working on cursive writing and writing in their personal journals. They will also learn about how to conjugate the verb AVOIR in the present tense. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

Math: We will learn about number sense. Students will learn how to represent numbers in different ways: place value charts, base 10 blocks, deconstructed form, written form etc. They should be practicing saying their numbers in French up to 1,000.

English: Students will be working on a writing assignment called the “I Can” hand. They are to come up with one page of ideas describing all the things they can do. We will also start our novel study on Secret Signs.

Science: We will start our unit on Waste in our World.

Social Studies: Students will start to learn about the geography of Alberta.

Religion: M. Zacharie will begin some introductory lessons this week. He will be having students write a prayer about gratitude.