Here is what we will be covering in class next week:
French: Students should be on log 6 of their French at-home reading
program. This week, students will continue to learn about the plural form of
words. There will be a quiz on Friday. Students will also be learning
about word choice with their writing.
Math: We will continue with addition and subtraction. Students will
practice reading word problems and identifying if the question is asking for
addition or subtraction. The final evaluation of this unit will be in
approximately one week.
English: Students will finish learning about parts of speech: nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs etc. There will be a quiz on Wednesday.
They will also complete some reading comprehension activities and continue
learning about Black History Month.
Science: We will continue our unit on sound and hearing. Students should start
reviewing their notes at home. They will receive a study guide this week.
Social Studies: Students will finish learning about Peru. There will be a quiz
on Thursday. They received a study guide last week. Then students will
work on a final project about Peru.
Religion: Students
will continue unit 3: Born of the Spirit. Students will
also learn the liturgical season of ordinary time. They will have readings
about the Sacraments and learn the song “There are 7 Sacraments”. Additionally,
for part of Faith in Action, students will help their grade one buddies
complete a St. Valentine’s activity book.