Sunday, January 22, 2023

Grade 3: Jan. 23- 26

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: Students should be on log 5 of their French at-home reading program. This week, students will learn about the plural form of words. They will complete the good copy of their writing assignment about their Christmas Holidays. This will be due on Thursday. Additionally, students will continue their music project in which they are to find and research a song from their culture/ heritage.

Math: We will continue with our unit on subtraction while linking strategies to addition. Students should be practicing their basic subtraction facts, including “borrowing across the zeros”. There is a YouTube video posted on the Google Classroom.

English: Students will continue to learn about parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. They will also complete some reading comprehension activities.

Science: We will continue our unit on sound and hearing.

Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about Peru.

Religion: Students will start unit 3: Born of the Spirit. Students will also learn the liturgical season of ordinary time. They will complete the “Many Names for Jesus” project as well as learn about the Sacraments.

REMINDER: Parent-teacher conferences will be held in person on Thursday evening, and virtually on Friday.