Sunday, January 15, 2023

Grade 4: Jan. 16- 20

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the French reading program is due for Monday.
Students will be learning how to conjugate verbs ending in IR in the passé composé. There will be an evaluation on Friday.

Math: We will continue our unit on multiplication. Students should be practicing their multiplication facts up to 9 X 9.

English: Students will continue their music research project. It is due next Monday.

Science: We will continue our unit on Lights and Shadows.

Social Studies: We will finish studying the physical geography of the Rocky Mountains. There will be an evaluation on Thursday. Students received a study guide last week.

Religion: Students will complete and review unit 2: A New Beginning. Students will also do an activity in their visual journal about the many names for Jesus in the Bible. The New Year liturgy will be held on Monday at 1:00 pm. Mme Boles’ class is putting on the celebration.