Sunday, May 14, 2023

Grade 4: May 15- 19

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the reading program is due for Monday.
Students will learn how to conjugate verbs in the ‘futur simple’. There will be an evaluation on Friday. Students will continue with their guided reading in small groups.

Math: We will continue our unit on measuring area. There will be a quiz on Thursday. Students are also working on a project where they draw a room (i.e., a bedroom) and calculate the area for every item.

English: We will continue our novel study of Belle of Batoche.

Science: Students will continue to work on a project where they build their own, original complex machine. Projects are due on Friday.

Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about Alberta’s history.

Religion: Students will continue unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God. They will also learn about the Rosary with six accompanying prayers, and twenty mysteries.