Monday, May 22, 2023

Grade 4: May 23- 26

Here is what we will be covering in class next week:

French: A reminder that the reading program is due for Tuesday.
Students will write paragraphs about what they want to do when they’re older. They will write in the ‘futur simple’. Students will continue with their guided reading in small groups, as well as learn about Asian Heritage Month.

Math: Students should be handing in their projects on area. This week, we will learn about data analysis.

English: We will continue our novel study of Belle of Batoche.

Science: We will start a new unit on plant growth and change.

Social Studies: Students will continue to learn about Alberta’s history. The good copies of the pamphlet project should be completed by sometime next week (due date TBD).

Religion: There is no religion class this week due to swimming.

REMINDER: For swimming lessons this week, students need to bring a bathing suit, a towel, and a separate bag other than their backpack. It is recommended that students with long hair bring a brush. We will be walking regardless of the weather, so students need to be prepared to walk in the rain. If the smoke persists, we will wait for Mme Wozny to decide whether we go or stay at school.